Thomas, Y., Frank, H., Grant, T., Neil, L., Lees, R. (2023) Health professional graduate perspectives of practice education during the COVID-19 pandemic: From uncertainty to employability. Journal of Practice Teaching & Learning. Available online:
Yvonne Thomas*, Alison Blank and Helen Frank. (2023) Active Aging: Perceptions and Experiences of Older Adults who Attend a Seniors Gym. Am J Biomed Sci & Res. 19(6) AJBSR.MS.ID.002654, doi:10.34297/AJBSR.2023.19.002654
Grant T, Gossman P, Thomas Y, Berragan L, Frank H. ‘I left feeling different about myself’: What students learn on their first practice placement. British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2022;0(0). doi:10.1177/03080226221125394
Frank, H. McLinden, M., Douglas, G. (2020) Accessing the curriculum; university based learning experiences of visually impaired physiotherapy students. Nurse Education in Practice. 42 Available online:
Kyte, Rachel and Frank, Helen and Thomas, Yvonne (2018) Physiotherapy Students’ Experiences of Role Emerging Placements; a Qualitative Study. International Journal of Practice-based Learning in Health and Social Care (2): 1-13. Available online:
Frank, H., (2017) Exploring the learning experiences of visually impaired physiotherapy students. VictarNews. Available online
Frank, H., McLinden, M., Douglas, G. (2014) Investigating the learning experiences of physiotherapy students with visual impairments: an exploratory study. British Journal of Visual Impairment 32: 223
Thomas, Y., Frank, H., Mauro-Bracken, L., Goodall, D., Thackeray, K., Jones, R. (2014). The value of writing groups and the barriers to writing: A response. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 21(6), 259
N. Metje; H. L. Frank; P. Croft (2007) Can't do maths--understanding students' maths anxiety Teaching Mathematics and its Applications 26: 79-88
Ransley, B., Gaskin, K., Frank, H (2019) A Systematised Literature Review investigating the effects of Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (OPEP) therapy on clinical outcomes in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Proceedings of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care Annual Conference; April 2019, Birmingham, UK
H. Frank. Accessing the curriculum; university-based learning experiences of visually impaired physiotherapy students. Platform presentation at Showcasing and exploring excellence. Proceedings of the ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Conference, ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë 16th June 2016
H. Frank, Prof M, McLinden, Dr G, Douglas (2015) Accessing the curriculum. Barriers and enablers experienced by visually impaired physiotherapy students in university physiotherapy education. Poster presented at: Physiotherapy U.K 2015. Proceedings of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy’s Annual Conference; 2014 Oct 16-17; Liverpool, U.K.
H. Frank. Becoming a physiotherapist; university-based learning experiences of visually impaired physiotherapy students. Platform presentation at Research in Education Across Boundaries. Proceedings of the Bristol Doctoral Conference, Bristol University 1st & 2nd June 2015
Kyte, R, Frank, H, Thomas, Y and Double, A. Evaluation of the impact of Action Learning Sets in an undergraduate physiotherapy education programme. Poster presented at Physiotherapy U.K 2014. Proceedings of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy’s Annual Conference; 2014 Oct 10-11; Birmingham, U.K.
Frank, R.Kyte, and Y.Thomas. (2014) Evaluation of a novel continuous practice placement model in a newly developed undergraduate physiotherapy education programme. Poster presented at: Physiotherapy U.K 2014. Proceedings of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Annual Conference; 2014 Oct 10-11; Birmingham, U.K.
Frank, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (South). Supporting students with disabilities; research into the learning experiences of physiotherapy students with visual impairments. January 2012
H, Frank 2012 The learning experiences of student physiotherapists with visual impairments – an exploratory study. Theme Paper presented at Nurse Education Today Conference. Proceedings of the Nurse Education Today Conference, 4-6 Sept 2012, University of Cambridge, UK.
Wells, A., Lees, R., Frank, H. (2021) Developing and delivering a virtual assistive technology training programme for mobility aids in Papua New Guinea. Virtual Physiotherapy UK November 2021 - Online, United Kingdom
Ransley, B. Gaskin, K., Frank, H. (2019) A systematised literature review investigating the effects of oscillating positive expiratory pressure (OPEP) therapy on clinical outcomes in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Journal of the Association for Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care. Volume 51 Supplement. Poster abstracts from the ACPRC Conference 2019.
Frank, H., Grant, T., Thomas, Y., Lees, R. (2022) Student experiences of practice education during COVID 19 -Resilience and Readiness for employment. NET (Networking for Health Education) conference 2022, Lancaster University, Sept 6 & 7.