The role of cognition and affect in predicting customer loyalty (Journal or Retailing and Consumer Services, in preparation).
Bell, R., Liu, P., Zhan, H., Bozward, D., Fan, J., Watts, H. & Ma, X. (2019) Exploring entrepreneurial roles and identity in the United Kingdom and China, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 20(1), 39-49. doi: 10.1177/1465750318792510
Watts, H. (2016). It’s Cheaper than Acquiring New Ones: Retaining members to your service (online), IORMA.
Watts, H. (2015). Are we doing enough to develop career competency? Talent Management: Network Knowledge (e-book), Synermetric.
Watts, H.N. (2015). Predicting customer retention in discrete and continuous services. In: Gansser, O. and Krol, B. ed. Markt- und Absatzprognosen: Modelle-Methoden-Anwendung. Springer Gabler: Weisbaden, pp. 89-106.
Smith, R., Bell, R. & Watts, H (2014) Personality trait differences between traditional and social entrepreneurs, Social Enterprise Journal, 10(3), 200-221. doi: 10.1108/SEJ-08-2013-0033
Watts, H.N. & Francis-Smythe, J (2008). Membership retention in the fitness industry: The development and validation of a predictive model. Abstract published in Annual Conference of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences 2008, Journal of Sports Sciences, 26 (2), S138 — S139.
Watts, H.N. & Francis-Smythe, J.A. (2008). Membership retention in the fitness industry: A qualitative study and the development of a predictive model. Selected proceedings of the First International Conference on Social Sciences (Volume 3), 79-90, Social Sciences Research Society, Turkey.
Conference papers
Nichol, L., Palmer, G. & Watts, H.N. (2016). Learning and employment outcomes of Chinese students: findings and implications for UK Higher Education. Paper presented at University Forum for Human Resource Development, Manchester Metropolitan University Business School.
Watts, H.N. (2013). The roles of age, gender and length of membership in predicting customer loyalty in high and low contact membership organisations. Paper accepted at Second International Conference on
Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences, Middlesex University Dubai.
Watts, H.N. & Francis-Smythe, J.A. (2010) Encouraging employees use of
fitness clubs in Employee Wellness Programs. Paper presented at 2nd Biennial IWP Conference on Work, Well-Being and Performance. Institute of Work Psychology, Sheffield.
Watts, H.N., Francis-Smythe, J., Upton, D. & Peters, D. (2009). How managers can predict customer retention rates through psychological profiling. Poster presented at the Leadership & Management Conference, ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë.
Watts, H.N. & Francis-Smythe, J.A. (2008). To go or not to go? Factors affecting fitness club attendance. Paper presented at Health and Social Care Research Focus Conference on ‘Health and Well-Being’, ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë.
Watts, H.N. (2008). What determines the usage of coaching and leadership skills in military instructors? An application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Paper presented at PsyPAG Annual Conference, University of Manchester.
Watts, H.N. & Francis-Smythe, J.A. (2008). Assessing the role of personality in fitness club membership retention: Future directions for the Membership Retention Questionnaire (MRQ). Paper presented at PsyPAG Annual Conference, University of Manchester.
Watts, H.N. & Francis-Smythe, J.A. (2008). Paper presented at POP Conference, Stratford-upon-Avon.
Watts, H.N. (2007) Can the research-practice gap ever really be bridged? Applying the ‘applied’ in evidence-based organisational practice. Paper presented at PsyPAG Annual Conference, London South Bank University.
Watts, H.N. (2007) Membership retention in the health and fitness industry: The development of a predictive model. Paper presented at Research Student Conference, ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë