Book Chapters:
Whitehouse, K. (2021) ‘Teaching for Promoting Positive Behaviour’ in A Practical Guide to Teaching Physical Education in the Secondary School (Third Edition). Routledge.
Whitehouse, K., Barber L. and Pepperell, R. (2020) ‘Developing and maintaining an effective learning environment’ In: Capel, S. and Gower, C Learning to Teach Physical Education in the Secondary School: A Companion for the Student Teacher: 4th edition. Routledge.
Whitehouse, K. (2018) Moving beginning physical education teachers on when they have mastered the basics. In Capel, S. (2018) A Practical Guide to Mentoring Beginning Physical Education Teachers. Routledge.
Barber, L. and Whitehouse, K. (2017) How do you develop your skills as an inclusive practitioner? In: The Worcester Way (2017). ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë, Great Britain.
Lawson, S. and Whitehouse, K. (2017) Challenging the competent trainee – taking risks in the classroom. (In press.) In Wright, T. (ed) How to be a brilliant Mentor. Routledge.
Whitehouse, K., Barber, L. and Jones, V. (2015) Developing and maintaining an effective learning environment (including behaviour in PE). In Capel, S. and Whitehead, M. Learning to Teach Physical Education in the Secondary School: A Companion for the Student Teacher. (4th edition.) Routledge.
Whitehouse, K. (2014) Teaching for Promoting Positive Behaviour. In A Practical Guide to Teaching Physical Education in the Secondary School (2nd edition) Capel, S. and Breckon, P. (eds). Routledge.
Journal Articles:
Cole, D. and Whitehouse, K. (2015). Learning from others. Special Educational Needs. Issue 79, Nov-Dec; p. 62-63.
Whitehouse, K. (Autumn 2013) Maximising achievement and progress in Secondary physical education trainees. The impact and effectiveness of using OFSTED characteristics for formative diagnostic assessment. PE Matters Vol. 8 No. 3, AfPE.
Clarke, P., Howarth, S., Whitehouse, K. and Wood-Griffiths S. Perspectives on teacher education: Risk-taking in the workplace; challenging trainee teachers to develop their practice. Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching. Issue 7, July 2012.
Public Activity:
TDA (Teaching Agency) Behaviour Champion representative for ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë. November 2011 – September 2012.
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Ambassador Training (2011).
Conference Presentations:
July 2018 EDULEARN18. ‘From Acorns to Oak Tree: Recognising and Sharing Innovative, Inspiring and Excellent Practice in Higher Education’ and ‘Risk-Taking and Professional Development: Physical Education Teachers’ narratives of experience.’
June 2018 ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë Annual Learning and Teaching Conference. ‘The ISES Learning Pledge: Influencing and inspiring life-long and life-wide learning’ and ‘Transforming the Learning Experience of Large-group Lectures through Action Research: Success Stories of Early Career Higher Education Teachers.'
November 2017 Birmingham University 16th Annual School of Education Research Conference. ‘From Training Year to Early Career; Physical Education Teachers’ Narratives of Experience.'
July 2017 HEA Annual Conference. ‘Generation TEF, In the Spotlight. Teaching in the Spotlight. Presentation: From Acorns to Oak Trees: Recognising, rewarding and sharing innovative, inspiring and excellent practice to enhance student learning.'
June 2017 ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë Annual Learning and Teaching Conference; Beyond Boundaries. ‘Tales of Authentic Learning Experiences: Real life learning to engage and enhance the student learning experience.'
September 2016 BERA Annual Conference. 'Developing Innovate Teacher Practice in Teacher Education.'
June 2016 Showcasing and Exploring Excellence – ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë Annual Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Conference. ‘Transforming the student learning experience by building evidence-based practice through action research: Showcasing innovative Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) practices of early career Higher Education teachers.’
March 2016 ITTE PE Annual Conference. ‘Students as Academic Partners (SAPS) Technology enhanced learning in physical education; secondary physical education trainee teachers working in partnership to enhance the course experience.’
July 2015 ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë Institute of Education Learning and Teaching Conference. ‘Sharing best practice. Technology Enhanced Learning in Physical Education SAPs project.'
June 2015 ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë Annual Learning; Teaching and Student Experience Conference. 'Technology Enhanced Learning in Physical Education SAPs project.'
March 2015 ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë; Professional Mentors Conference. 'Teaching is a Risky Business. Refining and redefining practice to support the progress and development of (trainee) teachers.'
October 2014 ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë; Educational Doctorate Conference. ‘Paper presentation: Towards pedagogy of risk taking that supports the progress and development of early physical education teachers; a methodological work in progress.'
March 2014 AfPE National Conference; Excellence and Quality: Timeless challenges in PE ITTE, University of Wolverhampton. ‘Refining and redefining practice: Towards pedagogy of risk taking to support the progress and development of trainee physical education teachers.’
November 2013. University of Birmingham; Poster presentation. 'Risk taking as pedagogical practice for physical education teachers; trainee, newly qualified and recently qualified teachers perceptions.'
July 2012. Canterbury Christ Church University International Conference. 'At the Crossroads. Risk taking in the workplace: How trainee teachers are challenged to develop their practice.'
July 2012. ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë Institute of Education research seminar. 'Risk taking in the workplace: How trainee teachers are challenged to develop their practice.'
July 2012. ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë. Professional Mentors Conference. 'Mentoring creative teachers.'
June 2011. ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë, Employability conference. 'Sharing good practice in academic tutoring.'
July 2010. ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë 10th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference. 'Risk taking in the workplace. How trainee teachers are challenged to develop their practice.'
July 2010. ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë Professional Mentor Conference. 'Using OFSTED grading characteristics as a diagnostic tool for improving performance in ITTE.'
June 2010. AfPE National Conference – Poster Presentation. 'PLTS: A Case Study Changing Pedagogy in a Secondary School.'
External Invitations:
February 2021 Virtual presentation ‘Meet the Authors’ Developing and Maintaining and Effective Learning Environment, in collaboration with the University of Birmingham and Routledge.
May 2017 – Invited to Beijing Sports University.
- Developing practice: Engaging, motivating and challenging students to aim higher, develop thinking and enhance learning.
- Developing Reflective Practitioners.