Dr Mary O’Malley


Senior Research Fellow

School of Health and Wellbeing

Association for Dementia Studies

Contact Details

email: m.omalley@worc.ac.uk

Dr Mary O'Malley is a Chartered Psychologist through the British Psychological Society and has worked on a variety of ageing and dementia research projects, collaboratively with the NHS and third sector organisations, including Dementia UK and the Alzheimer Society. Mary has led and co-led research projects funded by the Wellcome Trust and UKRI AHRC.Mary's research interests focus on improving the quality of life for people living with dementia. Mary has a particular interest in improving diagnosis and support for younger people living with dementia, and environmental design that support people to live independently. She is passionate about public and patient involvement, co-research and disseminating research to the public.


PhD in Psychology – Bournemouth University

PGCert in Research Degree Supervision – University of Northampton

BSc in Psychology with Professional Placement – Cardiff University

Research Interests

Mary’s research interests include ageing, environmental design for older adults and people living with dementia, timely diagnosis of dementia, and support for younger people living with dementia. Mary was a Co-Investigator on the CultureBox Study, which explored how the arts could be used to reduce feelings of isolation and increase wellbeing for those living with dementia in care-homes during the pandemic.

Mary is presently one of the Principal Investigators on the Wellcome Trust funded DEFIN-YD (Dementia Experts for Involvement Network for Younger people with Dementia) project that aims to raise awareness of young onset dementia and provide research opportunities for younger people living with dementia though a national public and patient involvement network.

Teaching Interests

Mary is experienced in leading modules in Dementia Studies and has taught undergraduate and postgraduate students in a variety of higher education settings.

Feel free to contact Mary if you would like to hear more about her work or if you would be interested in doing a PhD with her.

Membership of Professional Bodies

British Psychological Society – Chartered Psychologist

Young Dementia Network Member

Recent Publications

Lau, J., Cations, M., O'Malley, M., Stamou, V., Oyebode, J.R., Parkes, J.H., Carter, J. and Loi, S.M. (2024), Establishing Gold Standard Assessment for Young Onset Dementia: A Modified E-Delphi Consensus Survey Based in Australia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 39(12): e70028.

Oyebode, J., La Fontaine, J., Stamou, V., O’Malley, M., Parkes, J., & Carter, J. (2023). Establishing and sustaining high-quality services for people with young onset dementia: The perspective of senior service providers and commissioners. International Psychogeriatrics, 1-10. doi:10.1017/S1041610223000443

Tischler, V., Zeilig, H., O'Malley, M & Asker, C. (2023). Together yet apart: Rethinking creativity and relational dementia care during the Covid-19 pandemic. Geriatric Nursing, 54, 99-107

Parkes J, O’Malley., M, Stamou, V., La Fontaine, J., Oyebode, J. R., Carter, J (2022) Lessons learnt from delivering the public and patient involvement forums within a younger onset dementia project. Dementia ;21(7):2103-2116. doi:10.1177/14713012221110006

O’Malley, M., Parkes, J., Stamou, V., LaFontaine, J., Oyebode, J., Campbell, J., & Carter, J. (2021). Current UK clinical practice in diagnosing dementia in younger adults: compliance with quality indicators in electronic health records from mental health trusts. Aging & Mental Health, 1-10.

O'Malley, M., Parkes, J., Stamou, V., LaFontaine, J., Oyebode, J., & Carter, J. (2020). International consensus on quality indicators for comprehensive assessment of dementia in young adults using a modified e‐Delphi approach. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 35(11), 1309-1321.

O’Malley, M., Innes, A., & Wiener, J. M. (2020). (Dis) orientation and design preferences within an unfamiliar care environment: a content analysis of older adults’ qualitative reports after route learning. Environment and Behavior, 0013916520953148.

O’Malley, M., Parkes, J., Campbell, J., Stamou, V., LaFontaine, J., Oyebode, J. R., & Carter, J. (2020). Receiving a diagnosis of young onset dementia: Evidence-based statements to inform best practice. Dementia, 1471301220969269.

Oliver, K., O'Malley, M., Parkes, J., Stamou, V., La Fontaine, J., Oyebode, J., & Carter, J. (2020). Living with young onset dementia and actively shaping dementia research–The Angela Project. Dementia, 19(1), 41-48.

O’Malley, M., Parkes, J., Stamou, V., La Fontaine, J., Oyebode, J., Carter, J. (2019) Young onset dementia: A scoping review of key pointers to diagnostic accuracy. BJPsych Open 5(3), E48 doi: https://doi.org/10.1192/bjo.2019.36

Stamou, V., La Fontaine, J., Oyebode, J., Jones, B., Gage, H., O’Malley, M., … Carter, J. (2018). The ANGELA Project: improving diagnosis and post-diagnostic support for younger people with dementia and their families/supporters. FPOP, (142).

O'Malley, M., Innes, A., & Wiener, J. M. (2018). How do we get there? Effects of cognitive aging on route memory. Memory & Cognition .46, 2, 274-284. doi: https://doi.org/10.3758/s13421-017-0763-7

O'Malley, M., Innes, A., Muir, S., & Wiener, J. M. (2018). ‘All the corridors are the same’: a qualitative study of the orientation experiences and design preferences of UK older adults living in a communal retirement development. Ageing and Society. 38, 9, 1791-1816. doi: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0144686X17000277

O'Malley, M., Innes, A., & Wiener, J. M. (2017). Decreasing spatial disorientation in care-home settings: How psychology can guide the development of dementia friendly design guidelines. Dementia, 16, 3, 315-328. Doi:

External Roles

Expert reviewer for the academic journals Dementia, Aging and Mental Health, Ageing & Society and Experimental Brain Research.

Invited reviewer for Open University Press.

Invited speaker for the Young Dementia Network webinar series.