Knowledge transfer, teaching and research
As part of the Sarah's work has included a range of environmental reviews for care homes and extra care housing as well as the development of dementia friendly design standards for a range of clients. In 2020 Sarah undertook a review of the . She led the development of an additional tool for gardens and outdoor spaces in 2021, and ‘Making your garden dementia friendly’ a booklet for people living at home affected by dementia. With colleagues at ADS Sarah led the development of the assessment tool App which is available in English and Welsh.
Sarah works with clients to create bespoke dementia friendly environmental assessment tools including the development of 'Dementia Friendly Village Halls - A Guide and Checklist' with local charities. She led the development of '', a toolkit for cognitively supportive design in primary care premises which includes an environmental assessment tool for those living with dementia, autism spectrum disorders and neurodiverse conditions.
Sarah was part of the ADS team which supported the development and evaluation of the Worcester Dementia Dwelling Grants. She contributes to the Dementia Studies Postgraduate Certificate and workshops for a variety of clients.
Publications and dissemination
, , , (2024). Designing for everyone: can the principles of dementia-friendly design inform design for neurodiversity in health-care settings? Work Older People.
Evans, S.C., Waller, S. and Bray, J. (2021). Designing inclusive environments for people living with dementia: how much do we really know? Working with Older People, online
Evans, S., Waller, S., Bray, J. and Atkinson, T. (2019). Making Homes More Dementia-Friendly through the Use of Aids and Adaptations. Healthcare 2019, 7, 43.
Waller, S., Masterson, A. and Evans, S. (2016). The development of environmental assessment tools to support the creation of dementia friendly care environments: Innovative practice. Dementia. 16. 10.1177/1471301216635829.
Waller, S. and Masterson, A. (2015). Designing dementia-friendly hospital environments. Royal College of Physicians Future Hospital Journal, 2(1), 63–68.
Waller, S. and Masterson, A. (2014). Contact with the Natural World within Hospital Care In M, Marshall and G Gilliard G Creating Culturally Appropriate Outside Spaces and Experiences for People with Dementia London: Jessica Kingsley
The Kings Fund (2014). Is your ward dementia friendly? The EHE Assessment Tool
Masterson, A., Waller, S. and Grisley, M. (2013), Improving environments: new tools for the job, The Journal of Dementia Care, 21(4).
Waller, S., Masterson, A. and Finn, H. (2013). Improving the patient experience: Developing supportive design for people with dementia: The King’s Fund’s Enhancing the Healing Environment Programme 2009-2012. London: The King’s Fund.
Input to: Alzheimer's Disease International (2020). World Alzheimer Report 2020: Design, Dignity, Dementia: dementia-related design and the built environment volume 1 (Evans, S., Waller, S., Atkinson, T.)
Evans, S.C., Bray, J., Waller, S. and Atkinson, T. (2018). An independent evaluation of the Dementia Dwelling Grants pilot programme: Final report. Association for Dementia Studies, ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë