Publications and Dissemination
Morton, T., Evans, S.B., Swift, R., Bray, J., Frost, F. & Russell, C. (2024). Reaching people and managing membership in community-based dementia support groups: The Get Real with Meeting Centres Realist Evaluation Part 1, Aging & Mental Health,
Morton, T., Evans, S. B., Swift, R., Bray, J., Frost, F., Russell, C., Brooker, D., Wong, G. & Hullah, N. (2024). Strategic and operational issues in sustaining community-based dementia support groups: the Get Real with Meeting Centres realist evaluation part 2. Aging & Mental Health, 1–9.
Tinelli, M., Morton, T., Bray, J., Henderson, C., Frost, F., & Evans, S. (2024). Using choice modelling to inform service sustainability for dementia Meeting Centres for people living with dementia in the UK. Aging & Mental Health, 28(12), 1713–1725.
Morton, T., Evans, S. B., Swift, R., Bray, J. & Frost, F. (2023). The legacy of COVID-19 in dementia community support: ongoing impacts on the running of Meeting Centres. Working with Older People. (In Press). doi: 10.1108/WWOP-03-2023-0006
Gordon-Smith, K., Saunders, K. E. A., Morton, T., Savage, J., South, M., Geddes, J., Craddock, N., Jones, I. & Jones, L. (2023). User perspectives on long-term remote active electronic self-monitoring of mood symptoms in bipolar spectrum disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders, 324: 325-333. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2022.12.090
Morton, T., Evans, S.B., Brooker, D., Williamson, T., Wong, G., Tinelli, M., Frost, F., Bray, J., Hullah, N. (2022). Sustainability of locally driven centres for those affected by dementia: a protocol for the get real with meeting centres realist evalu​ation. BMJ Open 2022;12:e062697. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-062697
Evans, S., Harrison, M., Morgan, N., Kilkenny, C. & Morton, T. (2022). Community Makers: report on developing an online toolkit for supporting people with dementia to connect during the pandemic and beyond. Working with Older People. ISSN Print: 1366-3666 Online: 2042-8790 (In Press)
Morton, T., Wong, G., Atkinson, T. & Brooker, D. (2021). Sustaining community-based interventions for people affected by dementia long term: the SCI-Dem realist review. BMJ Open 11:e047789. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-047789
Morton, T., Atkinson, T., Brooker, D., Wong, G., Evans, S. & Kennard, C. (2019). Sustainability of community-based interventions for people affected by dementia: a protocol for the SCI-Dem realist review. BMJ Open 9(7)
Other publications
Swift, R., Evans, S., Morton, T., Bray, J. & Atkins, J. (2023). Get Real with Meeting Centres - Demographic Profile. Association for Dementia Studies
Swift, R., Evans, S., Morton, T., Bray, J. & Wong, G. (2022). Get Real with Meeting Centres - Herefordshire and Worcestershire Meeting Centres: barriers to attendance and recommendations for how to address them. Association for Dementia Studies
Morton, T., Swift, R., Evans, S.B., Bray, J., Frost, F. & Wong, G. (2023). Keeping Meeting Centres going long term: Recommendations for people running Meeting Centres. ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë ISBN 978-0-903607-43-8
Morton, T., Swift, R., Evans, S.B., Bray, J., Frost, F. & Wong, G. (2023). Sustaining Meeting Centres and similar community-led dementia support: Suggestions for health and care professionals. ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë ISBN 978-0-903607-44-5
Morton, T., Swift, R., Evans, S.B., Bray, J., Frost, F. & Wong, G. (2023). What you can do to help your Meeting Centre: Suggestions for people who attend Meeting Centres. ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë ISBN 978-0-903607-42-1
Morton, T., Brooker, D., Wong, G., Atkinson, T. & Evans, S.B. (2021). Helping your community group or activity club to keep going strong: Suggestions for members of groups and clubs from the SCI-Dem Review. ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë ISBN 978-0-903607-35-3
Morton, T., Brooker, D., Wong, G., Atkinson, T & Evans, S.B. (2021). Keeping community groups and activities going - Sustainable Community Interventions for people affected by Dementia: Recommendations for practice from the SCI-Dem Project. ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë ISBN 978-0-903607-33-9
Morton, T., Brooker, D., Wong, G., Atkinson, T. & Evans, S.B. (2021). Sustaining community groups and activities for people affected by dementia: Recommendations from the SCI-Dem Project for commissioners and policy-makers. ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë ISBN 978-0-903607-34-6
Project grants
Evans, S.B., Oatley, R., Morton, T., Jutlla, K., Wong, G., Hullah, N., Knight, S. (2024-2025). Food Glorious Food: A mixed methods evaluation of food-related practices in post-diagnostic community-based group support for people affected by dementia. Research for Social Care (RfSC) Programme: NIHR (National Institute of Health Research 205163). £348,299
Brooker, D., Evans, S.B., Williamson, T., Hullah, N., Tinelli, M., Morton, T., Frost, F., Wong, G. & Needham, H. (2021-2023). Sustaining Locally-Driven Social Care For Those Affected By Dementia: A Realist Evaluation Of Successful Meeting Centres (Get Real with Meeting Centres). Research for Social Care (RfSC) Programme: NIHR (National Institute of Health Research 201861). £349,980
Presentations and posters
Evans, S.B., Morton, T., Galloway, G. & Coleman, R. The global growth and evidence base behind Meeting Centres. In Conversation with…Meeting Centres, 2024 (online)
Frost, F., Bushell, D., Morton, T. & Williamson, T. Crossing the Line symposium. Using the toilet when out and about: personal care considerations for family carers supporting someone with dementia. Impact of involvement of Experts by Experience in research to support carers in personal care-giving. Helping someone living with dementia with personal care: Common themes from lived experience. UK Dementia Congress, Coventry, 2024
Morton, T. The challenges in keeping post-diagnosis community-based support groups for people living with dementia going, long term: Learning from the Get Real with Meeting Centres project. Alzheimer's Disease International, Poland, 2024
Morton, T. How To Write A Lay Summary. Postgraduate Research - Researcher Development Programme, Worcester, 2024
Morton, T. Doing things with dementia: Exploring support to keep people connected. Dementia Awareness Week, Worcester, 2024
Morton, T. Food Glorious Food: Investigating the benefits and challenges of offering food in community-based support groups. UK Dementia Congress, Coventry, 2024
Morton, T., Gordon, H., Rooke, C., Collins, S. & Du Heaume, D. Meeting Centres UK symposium. UK Dementia Congress, Coventry, 2024
Morton, T. & Stephens, N. Networking at conferences. Postgraduate Research - Researcher Development Programme, Worcester, 2024
Evans, S.B., Morton, T., Bray, J., Galloway, G., Gall, A. & Capper, C. Meeting Centres Symposium on National Strategies, Perspectives and Developments. UK Dementia Congress 2023.
Evans, S.B., Brooker, D., Morton, T., Hullah, N., Swift, R., Tinelli, M., Gerrard, D., Galloway, G., & Gilder, W. The Get Real With Meeting Centres Celebration Event. End of project day conference, ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë.
Morton, T. What can help or hinder community support groups in keeping going long-term? UK Dementia Congress 2023.
Morton, T. Sustaining community dementia support groups long-term: The Get Real with Meeting Centres project. Alzheimer’s Europe Conference 2023 (online).
Morton, T. The challenges of sustaining community-based dementia support groups: The Get Real with Meeting Centres realist evaluation. The Realist Hub presents, Aston University.
Morton, T. Meeting Centres and the Get Real research project. NIHR CRN online event - Dementia and Ageing: A Research Perspective (online).
Evans, S.B. & Morton, T. What is a Dementia Meeting Centre and how can it help your community? Dementia Meeting Centre Workshop, Swansea, 2023
Evans, S.B. & Morton, T. An introduction to Meeting Centres for people affected by dementia. Royal College of Psychiatrists, online, 2023
Evans, S.B., Morton, T. & Bray, J. National strategies, perspectives and developments symposium. UK Dementia Congress, Birmingham, 2023
Morton, T. Investigating how to sustain community-led dementia support groups long term: The Get Real with Meeting Centres project. Alzheimer Europe, Helsinki, Finland and online
Morton, T., et al. Keeping Meeting Centres for people affected by dementia going in a post-pandemic climate: The Get Real study. UK Dementia Congress 2022 (poster presentation).
Morton, T. Get Real With Meeting Centres Research Project: What's been done, what's left to do and emerging themes. Meeting Centres UK Webinar Series. UoW (online).
Morton, T. SCI-Dem: A Realist Review of Sustainable Community Interventions for People Affected by Dementia . Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) Conference 2022 (poster)
Morton, T. Get Real with Meeting Centres: Early findings from our Realist Evaluation of how to sustain community dementia support. UoW Research Seminar Series (online).
Morton, T. Sustainable Community Interventions for People living with Dementia. Dementia, Care and Nursing Home Expo, Birmingham NEC.
Morton, T. How do you keep community groups and activities for people affected by dementia going? The SCI Dem realist review. Notts Realist Group seminar series (online), University of Nottingham.
Morton, T. & Evans, S.B. Adapting day and community care: Developing the 4 key principles of online community support for people affected by dementia. Alzheimer Europe - Resilience in dementia: Moving beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, online
Morton, T. SCI-Dem: A Realist Review of Sustainable Community Interventions for People Affected by Dementia . Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) Conference 2020 (poster and video presentation)
Morton, T. Conducting a Realist Review into the sustainability of community groups and activities for people affected by dementia (The SCI-Dem project). UoW Research Seminar Series (online)
Morton, T. How to keep community groups and activities going: the SCI-Dem review. UK Dementia Congress 2020 (video presentation)
Morton, T. The SCI-Dem Project. Meeting Centres BYOL, UoW
Morton, T. The sustainability of community interventions for people affected by dementia: A realist review. Alzheimer's Association International Conference 2020. ISSN 1552-5279 (Unpublished) (video presentation)
Morton, T. SCI-Dem: A Realist Review of Sustainable Community Interventions for People Affected by Dementia. UK Dementia Congress, Doncaster (poster)