Dr Rebecca Collins

Rebecca Collins graduated with a PhD looking at river bank erosion in Warwickshire. 
Graduation Dr Rebecca Collins

Having completed her undergraduate and masters degrees at the ¾ÞÈéÎÞÂë, Rebecca Collins graduated with a PhD looking at river bank erosion in Warwickshire.

During her studies, she was awarded funding by the British Hydrological Society (BHS) and the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society (RSPSoc) and says during her time at Worcester has “made lifelong friendships…and my learning went way beyond just the academic, teaching me to be resilient, confident, curious and most of all that I am capable of great things when I put my mind to it!”.

Dr Collins’s doctorate fell during the COVID-19 pandemic and says the things she is most proud of is finishing the course amid the additional challenges that the pandemic brought.